Why Sydney?


Why Sydney?

Our facility in Alexandria is to the south of Sydney's CBD and 20 minutes east of the great Coogee beach and adjacent bays. Accessible by a short bus ride from Central station or if you'd prefer to drive, there is plenty of streets and private parking available. Our facilities are one of the largest in Australia in both retail and classroom space. We also have our own certified gas cylinder test station where we can provide training for students. 


We are lucky to be within 30 minutes of some of Sydney's best diving locations: Camp Cove, Clovelly Pool, Gordon's Bay, and Bare Island, each 

with unique characteristics.

Gordons Bay is located south of Clovelly Beach and north of Coogee Beach. Access to the bay is only limited to pedestrians via the surrounding streets or the Coastal Walk. Protected by an offshore reef, it is a popular scuba dive spot, and the calm waters hide an underwater nature trail, great for new divers and navigation.


The fish range from common temperate species through to tropical species that move south on the East Australian Current (EAC). Iconic species to NSW such as blue groper, giant cuttlefish, and wobbegong shark inhabit the area along with protected species like the elegant wrasse and black rockcod. The blue-ringed octopus is also a rare but thrilling sight, as long as you keep your distance! Join us and explore Sydney underwater!

A short 30-minute ferry ride across the world’s most spectacular harbour, Manly is a great place to start your Northern Beaches experience. It is a must-visit Sydney destination offering waterfront restaurants, attractions, adventure and entertainment.

Our facility near Manly is located in the neighbouring suburb of Brookvale. Accessible by a short 20 minute bus or 10 minute car ride from Manly Wharf. We have plenty of street and off street parking available.

The Northern Beaches offer us some spectacular dive sites, with the iconic Shelley Beach, Fairy Bower and Freshwater Beach being the most popular sites, which we dive frequently.

Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve (accessible via Fairy Bower and Shelley Beach) with more than 160 species of fish and seven types of habitat: rocky shores, sandy beaches, rocky reefs, seagrass beds, kelp, sandy seabed and open water. 

The fish range from common temperate species through to tropical species that move south on the East Australian Current (EAC). Many species use the reserve, including pelagic species, such as dusky whaler sharks, and sedentary species that rarely leave the reserve. Iconic species such as blue groper, giant cuttlefish and wobbegong sharks inhabit the area and protected species such as seadragons, elegant wrasse and black rockcod. Join us and explore Manly underwater!

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