Welcome, your adventure begins here.

Choose a Career in the Education – Recreation - Tourism Industry,

Teaching and Taking People Scuba Diving.

50+ Year of Experience

PRO DIVE has been Teaching and Training Since 1969 has taught over 400000+ and thousands of Dive professionals

Professional Certification

International Standards Organisation (ISO) & Australian Government Endorsed Programs

12 week Divemaster Program

12 weeks full time study

Monday - Friday

16 week Instructor Program

16 weeks full time study

Monday - Friday

Shark Diving Excursion

The divemaster program will conclude with 2 days diving in South West Rocks - ranked as Australia's best shark and cave diving!

Christmas on the Barrier Reef

All candidates will spend 3 days over Christmas diving on the Great Barrier Reef, QLD.*

*travel fees apply.

Live the Sydney Lifestyle

Beautiful beaches, incredible nature scenes, a thriving nightlife – there are countless amazing reasons to live and study in Sydney

Guaranteed Paid Work

2 weeks part-time paid work for Divemasters

4 weeks full-time paid work for Instructors


PRO DIVE is a leading provider of professional diving training and international dive adventures. With over 54+ years of experience, we offer comprehensive programs that develop your diving skills and leadership abilities.  As the largest operator in Sydney, we offer all-inclusive program packages, including shore, deep, night, and boat dives, to ensure you reach certification requirements and gain confidence in leading others. Choose PRO DIVE for a rewarding and successful diving journey.

World Class Facilities

PRO DIVE Sydney offers has 2 World Class Dive Centres & Facilities

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